Ashwin Kulkarni
Chartered Accountant & Founder partner
Education: M.Com, Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standards(ICAI), Chartered Accountant
He has an experience in valuation of employee stock options, business valuations and valuation of complex financial instruments. He has completed valuation course from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Experience of audit and assurance, Ind AS/IFRS and financial reporting. Earlier associated with renowned CA firms in Pune.
Specialises in accounting advisory services and has been involved in Ind AS/IFRS implementation services to leading listed and unlisted companies in India across various sectors namely information technology, manufacturing, engineering & construction, service, automobile, mining and NBFCs etc.
Has significant experience in audit in the industry of manufacturing, services and trading. Team manager for one of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturing company for statutory audit and tax audit.
Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)
Experience in direct and indirect taxation matters.
Conducts trainings on IFRS / Ind AS / Accounting standards/ pre-articleship/ finance for non-finance for corporate clients.
Experience : 6+ years